International seminar «Student-Centred Learning Environments: Modern Aproach and Instruments».
International seminar « Student-Centred Learning Environments: Modern Aproach and Instruments » will be conducted on 8-9 June 2016 in the framework of Erasmus+ Programme by the Department of Higher and Post-Higher Education of Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the National Erasmus+ Office in Kazakhstan and supported by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Objective: Familiarise seminar participants with the EU experience in implementing student- centred learning and enhance their knowledge and skills in the field of SCL.
Expected outcomes:
- Participants deepen their understanding on modern EU experience and approaches to the student-centred learning;
- Participants upgrade their knowledge and skills on SCL;
- Participants share their knowledge on modern SCL methodology;
- Participants conduct comprehensive analysis SCL& teacher-oriented approaches -
- Benchmarking of KZ to EU experience is done;
- Participants are equipped with practical instruments of SCL.
Venue – Narxoz University, 55, Zhandossov street, Almaty, Conference Hall No. 1
The seminar will be attended by HEREs, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK, universities’ staff according to the list of MES of RK.
A sample programme is attached