

Erasmus+ is the European Union's new programme for...


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Higher Education

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TEMPUS is one of the European Union’s programmes which support...

Jean Monnet Activities

The Jean Monnet Action is designed to increase knowledge about European integration by promoting teaching and research (Chairs, Modules and Centres of Excellence). The Jean Monnet Action is aimed exclusively at higher education institutions, both within and outside of European Union. Jean Monnet activities also support cooperation projects, conferences and publications on the variety research issues dealing with the history, politics, economics and law of the European Union and the EU's relations with other areas of the world.

Universities, organizations and associations from all over the world can apply direct to EACEA for Jean Monnet activities.

For more information:

Detailed information on how to apply for the project as well as all necessary application documents templates are available under:

  • europa
  • participant portal
  • national agencies
  • min
  • erasmus
  • ecas
  • em

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Erasmus+ in Kazakhstan

The website has been funded within the framework of the European Union Erasmus+ programme which is funded by the Directorate General for Development and Co-operation – EuropeAid and the Directorate General for Enlargement.This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.